monday musings

My new ride!

March 21, 2012

felt zw95

Last June, after graduating from grad school, some of my presents were: a bike bell, a zipper pouch to attach the seat, a helmet, a water bottle holder….

So yeah, I was planning on getting a bike in the near future….last June

I finally filled in the missing piece and got a bike this past weekend and I’m totally in love with it! I rode it to work today for the first time which was crazy riding on the road downtown during rush hour. I’m still working on finding the perfect route that is efficient yet has the fewest heavy traffic streets as possible. There’s a balance of aggressiveness and defensiveness that I still need to acquire. I’ve mastered those arm turn signals I learned at Safety Town when I was 5 and could never remember–sharing a road with full-sized cars (as opposed to Big Wheels) finally made that information stick in my brain.

I got a Felt ZW95, which is considered and entry level road bike, but wayyy nicer than any bike I’ve ever been on. One cool thing about the Felt brand is that it is a small company in California and the bikes are 100% made in the U.S.A. Plus, the graphics on felt bikes are way cooler than any other brand. (that’s right, color was one of the top decision makers for me). I got the bike at Roll, which is a local Columbus bike shop and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a bike. Everyone who works there knows what they’re talking about, and the customer service is top notch.

Since I made the big purchase, Brandon and I have already gone out on 3 rides. He has a Felt bike, too, and we have the same helmet just in different colors…we’re a bike couple now with our matching bikes and gear 🙂 I hope this early spring sticks around so I can keep riding my bike!

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