
the skirt series: part IV – the grand finale!

November 4, 2011

Happy Friday!

take the “Grand Finale” title lightly, because I’m more skirts will be coming, this is just the last one of this batch!

I saved this one for last because I am a bit partial to it. Plus Fridays are fun and so is this skirt! This is the first of hopefully many creations that came from Sew to Speak, a fabulous little shop in Clintonville filled to the brim with awesome fabrics. It was overwhelming to even try and pick a fabric to use for a skirt, so I got two!

Skirt #2

skirt #4


Sew to Speak has a blog, too so you can check that out and see what other fun stuff they have going on.

Hope you enjoyed the skirt series! I’ll have more creations for you soon!

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  • redbamsews November 4, 2011 at 9:14 am

    Love the skirt. Very nice. Can’t wait to see the next one. What’s the waistline like? Banded?

    • steph November 6, 2011 at 8:49 pm

      Thanks! There isn’t a waistband, just a couple darts in the back.

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