I can’t believe I posted that photo. B took it while we were climbing one of the pitons in St Lucia (re: #7 below) and it was quite possibly the hardest climb either of us had done. So, please excuse the sweaty mess but it’s completely fitting to describe the past year.
2014 was insane.
Allow me to give you a brief overview as an explanation for my absence on here last year:
1. I took a lot of tests.
Seven tests to be exact. Starting in mid January and ending in mid July I took the Architecture Registration Exams to get my architecture license. This basically meant almost every night after work and every weekend I was studying. It was like I was back in school and it was midterms all. the. time. I took a test once a month and took a week off before doing it all over again. Lucy was my trusty study buddy the entire time sleeping on my notes without question.
2. B quit his job.
While I was busting my butt to get my architecture license, B was busting his to not be in architecture and pursue his passion in web design. After nearly 3 years of basically working 2 full time jobs, he finally made the plunge and decided to make Studio Pence his (only) full-time gig last February. Admittedly, this doesn’t give me a reason not to blog, but hey, it’s still a big thing that happened in 2014. While it was scary at first to let go of his steady income stream, he has been so busy all year (and, more importantly, so much happier) and continues to grow that there’s no doubt in our minds that was the best thing he could have done.
3. I planned a wedding.
For the first half of the year, I spent my week off between tests dabbling in wedding stuff. As soon as the tests were over the reality set in that we were getting married in 4 months and I needed to get on this wedding business! Stay tuned for more posts on the wedding in the near future.
4. I turned 30.
Yeah, again, not a reason to not blog, but still a major 2014 happening leaving my twenties behind!
5. I got licensed.
Whoop! I’m now a licensed Architect. You may be thinking: but you finished those tests way up at #1…how is this #5? I still needed experience hours in specific categories after I finished those tests, which made for a very anti-climatic test-finishing. “Yay Steph, you finished your tests! Now you’re an architect!!” “Well, no…not really…” ugh. I got the hours in, finally.
6. We got married.
November 8, 2014 was the most amazing day to date in my life. Per #3, more on this to come.
7. We went to St Lucia.
The crazy year ended with an incredible honeymoon to St. Lucia. We spent 11 days there and it was spectacular. We got back a week before Thanksgiving and then the holiday madness ensued.
So there you have it! 2014 in a nutshell. The year was crazy busy, but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Here’s to a great year and new experiences in 2015!
Thanks, Mary!
I love how much you’ve accomplished, you powerful woman! And go, B, for the risk-taking leap! I can’t wait to hear all about it in your upcoming posts! Sending you tons of gratitude for the inspiration to push through and live your dreams… : )
Thank you so much, Lisa! That really means a lot! 🙂
[…] wait, remember this post? Yeah, 2014 was already crazy and this was another thing going on that I hadn’t even […]