see stuff, stuff steph loves

mid century modern | broyhill brasilia

September 12, 2013

broyhill brasilia furniture


Well, folks, I’m managing a post a week these days. I’m also managing more vintage furniture lusting shopping. This past trip I came across some Broyhill Brasilia pieces and deemed the furniture line worthy enough of its own post to the likeness of Paul’s post from a couple weeks ago. Which, by the way, I went and checked up on my table and chairs, and it’s still there…waiting to be purchased and just be AWESOME in someone’s (read: my) kitchen.

But anyway, I found yet another awesome vintage store in Columbus ridiculously close to all the others, and it had a Broyhill Brasilia dining set and sideboard. I was instantly drawn to it. I love the dark wood and that bold graphic of the curves that the entire collection weaves into every piece.

However, I think the bold graphic is a bit of a double-edged sword – It looks great and is something you really don’t see anymore on today’s furniture, but I would have to draw the line at one piece. Am I right? Those curves are in everything which would make a house full or even a room full of the stuff seem way too matchy. And if I’m spending all this time trolling all these furniture places, matchy is definitely NOT what I’m going for! OK, you can have more than one piece if you simply can’t decide, just put them in different rooms.

Brasilia Dresser


If I ever come across this dresser, (and it wasn’t über expensive, and I didn’t already have one of these pieces) I’m buying it. How great are those knobs? Ugh. so good.

brasilia cart


How can we talk about  Mid Century furniture and not talk about the bar cart? We can’t. So here it is Brasilia style. I hope that little section in the middle opens up and has more storage.

Broyhill Brasilia buffet


And one more piece to round out the gallery today.

If I had to pick one, I’m torn between that dresser and this fabulous credenza from The Weather Door.

Broyhill Brasilia buffet-cabinet-dresser

I guess I could put them in different rooms, right?

Alright now its your turn! If you had to choose, which one Broyhill Brasilia piece would you put in your house?



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  • Jenny September 12, 2013 at 7:34 am

    I too am unable to choose between the dresser and credenza. Both are great. The bar cart has real style too and would be a great accent piece if you did not have apace for the bigger pieces. Can’t wait to see what furniture you end up with.

  • Kat Randall September 12, 2013 at 1:22 pm

    Ready to be jealous? I had no idea what brand this was when I got it. wasn’t till much later when I happened across it at a vintage store site.

    • steph September 12, 2013 at 1:25 pm

      whaa?!?! Amazing! and you did a fantastic job refinishing! thanks for sharing.

  • Matthew September 15, 2013 at 5:08 pm

    Dresser, although I’m not convinced of the premise of one item only. I’d cram every room with this stuff.

    • steph September 18, 2013 at 9:15 pm

      If you find enough of it to cram that much into a room, more power to you 🙂

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