
a weekend in nyc

June 25, 2013

Flatiron Building | Stuff Steph Does

I’m back! We had such a wonderful time in NYC, I’m ready to start planning our next trip! First and foremost Alt Summit was a blast. I had a great time and it was definitely inspiring and every detail was so well planned. Plus Martha Stewart made a cameo, so that’s pretty awesome, right?

We spent the rest of the weekend searching for cool architecture and checking out a couple art museums. If you don’t already, follow me on instagram @stuffstephdoes for more fun photos from the trip.

martha stewart omnimedia Alt NYC

I’m still making my way through my stack of business cards and checking out all the ridiculously talented people I met at the conference.

#altnyc business cards

That’s a picture of the cards at the event, not my personal collection. Can you spot mine? (Here’s a hint)

Hopefully more pictures will come on here soon, I still need to go through my camera photos. Hope you all had a lovely weekend at home or traveling. Happy Tuesday!



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