Happy Monday! I’m taking a break from the bedroom updates to do a more personal post since today is the five year mark of B and I being together. We never do too much to celebrate other than exchange cards and eat a good dinner somewhere, but I thought five years was a good enough excuse to share some fun photos of our past on here.
I’m probably doubling or tripling the amount of pictures of me (and B) on the blog with this post alone, but it was fun going through old photos and memories putting this together. The first photo is us singing karaoke at our undergrad bar crawl 2 days before our first official date, (he was totally trying to impress me then since I can’t get him remotely close to any sort of karaoke stage now) and then they are in chronological order up until this past weekend on our celebratory date night.
We’ve made it through two grad school graduations, first real jobs, rental nightmares, and so much more and I can’t imagine going through it all with anyone else. Love you, B, Here’s to many more years!
Happy Anniversary! It is always lovely to reflect and remember all the great times you have shared together. 🙂
Stinkin’ cute! Congrats!
Congrats!!! Glad to see the picture from my wedding! Can’t believe it has been five years already!!! 🙂