Bedroom, house stuff, see stuff

friday five | stylish alarm clocks

May 31, 2013

stylish alarm clocks


Here’s the thing, I like to wake up to the radio. I hate coming out of the past night’s slumber to the incessant buzzing or annoying ringtone of a phone. Talk radio is so much more soothing and calming to wake up to. But I fear since everyone relies on their phone so much, the table top accessory is quickly becoming obsolete. Any clocks that you do see are hideous blobs of silver plastic with neon blue lights, which will not work for my nicely styled nightstands! What’s a girl to do? Search for some better looking clocks, that’s what!

one| I love the modern spin on this twin bell alarm clock. two | Jasper Morrison’s modern design is sleek and cool. three | An eye-shaped retro clock? sure! four | How cool is this wood clock that looks like a vintage clock radio charges and uses your phone for the clock? five | This one by Anything Design is just fantastic.

Did you see the one issue with all of these clocks? None of them have a radio! I guess I’ll either have to adjust to waking up to ringtones or deal with my silver plastic blob.

Have a wonderful weekend! It’s June! And happy, happy Friday.

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  • Jerel May 31, 2013 at 10:24 am

    Of course there is a clock radio App! Combine #4 with that and you’re golden.

    • steph May 31, 2013 at 12:28 pm

      haha Yes, I suppose I should get with times and use an app for my waking up needs. Even the regular alarm on phones is probably pretty dated.

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