lucy loves, make stuff

valentine dog sweater (free pattern)

February 7, 2013

knit valentine dog sweater :: stuff steph does

Had enough of Valentine’s stuff yet? I hope not, because I have yet another project  for your favorite furry Valentine.

knit valentine dog sweater :: stuff steph does

I have seen gobs of human versions of this giant heart sweater, and since Lucy is such a trendy pup, she had to have one of her own.

I used this basic pattern for the sweater and made my own template for the heart that I’ll share with you all today! Well is this your lucky day or what!?

In order to knit a big block of color like the heart you’ll have to do some Intarsia Knitting. Don’t worry, the name is scarier than the technique. The Purl Bee has a good tutorial explaining how to do it. If you just knit normally there will be big gaping holes between your two colors, so it’s worth your while to check it out. I learned this the hard way when making my RSS Pillow, and I ended up knitting the whole thing twice. (I actually link to a different Intarsia tutorial on that post)

Without further ado, here is the template free for your personal use!

Download the Template Here!

Notes: Simply print out on standard letter-sized paper. The template is just for the back piece on the pattern. I made the bottom panel as directed in one color. The heart squares in the template are in two different pinks, for the sole purpose of making it easier to count squares. No fancy double colors going on there!

Happy Crafting!

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  • Holly February 16, 2013 at 2:54 am

    Thanks for the pattern! I’ll be trying to make two of these for my new pups 🙂

    • steph February 17, 2013 at 6:06 pm

      You are welcome! I would love to see pics of your sweaters after you make them!

  • Patricia February 26, 2016 at 12:40 pm

    Thanks for the heart template, but couldn’t pick up the ‘basic pattern’ link?

    • zoey March 3, 2019 at 3:20 pm

      me either i tryed to get the basic pattern link nothing

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