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{stuff steph loves} Pomegranates

December 7, 2012

Pomegranates have been on sale at the grocery for the past couple weeks. Every time I go, I linger past them and even read the sign that tells you how easy it is to open up and eat the fruit, but I’ve never actually picked one up and put it in the cart. I always talk myself out of it and end up buying the pomegranate Chobani yogurt instead. I know, not quite the same thing.

Well, like most of my round ups, I went on a pomegranate pinfest and found a few more reasons to buy a pomegranate (and I’m not talking about the yogurt)

pomegranate pear salad

Poppyseed, Pomegranate and Pear Salad via Kitchen Frau

Pomegranates for Dinner: 


Gin-pomegranate-cocktailGin and Pomegranate Cocktail via Our Kitchen

Pomegranates for Cocktail Hour:

apple pomegranate galette
Apple Pomegranate Galette via  A Couple Cooks
Pomegranates for Dessert: 

pomegranate syrup

 Pomegranate Syrup via Better Homes and Gardens

 Pomegranates for Gift Giving


pomegranate facial toner

Pomegranate Facial Toner via Mother Earth Living

Pomegranates for Health and Beauty:

Enough reasons to go out and buy some pomegranates this weekend? I’d say so!

Happy, happy Friday to you 🙂

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