make stuff

{make stuff} Felt Balls

December 4, 2012

how to make felt balls :: stuff steph does

These little balls of felted wool seem to be all the rage lately. But really, who doesn’t love these soft, bouncy, colorful woolen spheres?

I’ve been on a bit of a felted ball frenzy lately spinning the fibers until my palms are numb. Well not really numb, but to the point where my palms were itchy–like when you exercise in the cold and your muscles get that itchy feeling. Know what I’m saying? Yep, that happens when you make felt balls in excess, too.

Anyway, here’s my tutorial on how to make these little buggers. I have some cool stuff to do with them coming soon, so be sure to check back!

how to make felted balls :: stuff steph does

I kept them on a towel over night to let them dry completely.

While you’re making these, you may find that some of them dry with cracks in them. Just put a thin piece of wool over the affected ball and repeat the process of dipping in soapy water and rolling around in your hands. I also found that simply re-rolling the ball in soapy water without extra felt and can sometimes help smooth out the ball.


Doesn’t that little guy look like he should have a face and tell a stupid joke? I sure thought so, so I did it…you might have to click on the image below if you don’t see anything.


And there you have it! Felt balls for lots of crafting fun.


how to make felt balls :: stuff steph does



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  • Melanie December 4, 2012 at 11:59 am

    The little blue guy looks like Cookie Monster to me! 🙂

    • steph December 4, 2012 at 12:45 pm

      haha! I thought that too!

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