monday musings

monday musings

April 23, 2012

Happy Monday! I don’t have any related pictures for this post, so I’m defaulting to pictures of Lucy.

first, a bike fail:

The weather was so nice last week that I was able to ride my bike to work almost every day.  On my way home one day I was approaching a red traffic light where I need to turn right. Most times there aren’t any cars coming so I don’t have to completely get off my bike at that light.

But ugh, this time, there’s a car coming, I try to just go slow to time it right, but I got to the intersection and I had to get off the bike to stop.

Just as I get off the bike I realize the car was stopping. I look up and see I have a green light so I try to get back on the bike fast, but I didn’t really give myself a ‘push’ to get moving, and I can’t get my foot in the pedal! (The pedals that came on the bike are the kind that you put your foot into)

So I’m trying to get my foot in the pedal as the bike slowly stops moving and next thing I know, I just tip over. I’ve never been cow tipping, but I feel like it was sort of like that–how the standing cow just falls over, that was me on my bike.

I completely fall off the bike! And I wasn’t even moving! To make it better, there are a ton of cars just stopped at the stop light with nothing better to do but watch this silly girl attempt to ride a bike. One woman rolled down her window to make sure I was OK and assured me that she has had the same issue of not being able to get her foot in the pedal…

I awkwardly chuckled at her comment while proceeding to get back on the bike as fast as possible.

I was really OK, just ended up with a bruised knee and ego…


Lucy made this spot of dirt and an identical one on the other side of the tree in our backyard. Brandon and I had noticed she dug the one spot but we didn’t realize she did it for the purpose of laying in it. Maybe the dirt is cooler than the grass. Whatever the reason, that’s her spot she made in the yard.


In other news: I started a Stuff Steph Does facebook page. Exciting, right?! I have a link over in the side bar on my site or you can click here to go there and check it out. I need 25 likes to get the url I want for it.  So if you want to “like” it and keep up to date with all things stuff steph does via facebook, that would be awesome!


In the spirit of my bike riding abilities (or inabilities, rather) this week’s song is the theme song from Pee-Wee Herman’s Big Adventure. Remember that movie?? Maybe the song will jog your memory.

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