house stuff

operation front door

April 4, 2012

operation front door

Aside from my two projects in progress I’ve also started a mission to up the curb appeal factor on our house. I’ve dubbed it: Operation Front Door. Basically it started when we first moved in and our landlord offered to deduct rent if we repainted the hallway (she gave us all the supplies) and then at the very end of the agreement she snuck in, “why don’t you paint the front door, too?” The hallway got painted that month; the front door, however, is still looking pretty sad.

I had all the intention in the world to paint the door right away, I was on summer vacation, I had tons of time. But then I got busy, and soon school started again, then it was too cold paint the door! Spring rolled around and I was even busier, then I got a grown up job, and then it was winter again! So alright, I’m going to be busy, but third time around I just have to get the door painted! I figure giving it a cheesy title and making it sound more official will actually make me do it.

But wait, there’s more.

Operation front door has become so much more than just a simple door. It’s turned into a complete overhaul of the front yard. Well, a complete overhaul in renter’s terms. I’m limiting what I’m doing simply because its not my house to be putting money into.

So now I have to do the embarrassing part and show you the ‘before’ pictures of the front yard. It’s pretty bad. But it will only get better from here!

Can you see the tulips? They’re hiding in there. Here’s my official Operation Checklist:

  • Weed the brick walkway and sidewalk
  • Weed the side garden – aka “find the tulips”
  • Plant some more flowers, “pretty it up”
  • Weed and fix up the front garden, and finally
  • Paint the door

We’ll see how it goes, maybe all this landscaping energy will move into the backyard, too!

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  • instagramming // april 23-27 | stuff steph does April 28, 2012 at 3:33 pm

    […] temperatures on the weekend. Something’s not right about that! How am I supposed to work on Operation Front Door when its wet and cold outside? Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about it, I’m just […]

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