make stuff

Knit RSS feed pillow

February 10, 2012

knit pillow rss feed

Brandon and I are both sort of super nerds, so I thought this pillow was more than appropriate to celebrate my new found love of blogging and Brandon’s longtime love of all things web.

I started this pillow in the middle of the felted loops pillow and worked on it when I was especially frustrated with the other. I got the idea from DIY Maven’s crochet and cross stitch pillow. But rather than cross stitch the second color, I used the pdf she made as a color guide for knitting.

I learned a new knitting technique while making this: Intarsia Knitting, which allows you to knit with two colors without getting holes in between them. (good video tutorial, actually, the whole website is full of great videos for different knitting techniques…check it out if you’re stumped on something!)

The back is constructed in a similar fashion as the felted loops pillow with two halves buttoned together.

knit pillow back

I figure I should make the back cute enough so if we ever need to hide our nerdiness we can just flip the pillow over.

The knitting was loose enough that I didn’t need to knit button holes, the buttons just fit through the stitches.

knit pillow

I can’t believe it’s already Friday! Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for stopping by!

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  • Melanie Lefeld February 10, 2012 at 8:15 am

    I think you need to devote an entire room in your house just to pillows! Get to work! 🙂 It would be a fun room to play in, I am sure Owen would love it! 🙂 Just tell me to stop leaving lame comments any time now, but I am really loving your blog!

  • Devon from Miss Make February 10, 2012 at 5:36 pm

    this is so cute!! i need to learn to knit with multiple colors…

  • stuff i love // pillows | stuff steph does April 26, 2012 at 7:12 am

    […] pillows. As I’ve started filling up our house with various pillows I’ve made (here, here, and here) I’ve been wondering where to put all of them because I’ve been stuck on the […]

  • Miryanka May 28, 2012 at 9:26 am

    Loved it! I had my grandma make a couple for me and she’s loved it too. I can smell more coming my way ((:

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