make stuff

Copycat Boden Dress

November 13, 2011

I came across Boden from some girls in my studio last year and fell in LOVE with their clothes, I mean, practically every single thing in the catalog is something I would wear. Except, their t-shirts are 80 bucks a pop, and you won’t find a dress under $150…

slight setback.

I decided Boden had to become a source of inspiration rather than a source for shopping.

So here is one dress that I thought was super cute, and also incredibly simple to make:

This is from last season’s catalog that I luckily found this weekend while cleaning (I loved this catalog so much I kept it for over a year). The page is creased because I had it marked. Here’s what I did:

Basically the dress is a long, knit t-shirt. So that’s exactly what we did; got a standard t-shirt pattern to get the neck and shoulders right and then cut it straight down to the desired length. Then made the bigger hem on the sleeves and along the skirt. Looks pretty similar, right?

The dress is so simple to make and I wore it so much that we made another one for this year:

I love this bird fabric…it will be making another appearance in another form soon…

have a great day! thanks for stopping by!

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1 Comment

  • Thanksgivings « stuff steph does November 27, 2011 at 10:40 pm

    […] in the circle just being a little man. Also if you look to the far right you’ll see the bird fabric back in new form. ( Stay tuned for a future blog post on that […]

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