I started this project nearly a month ago back when I was working on the anthro-inspired flower pillow. I was waiting until the fear of frost was gone for Central Ohio to finally plant my herbs and was told May 15 is the magic number for frost free nights. I cheated on May 5 after looking at the 10-day weather forecast and there was no frost in sight, so I’m taking the gamble a few days early.
It’s not like the plants are in the ground anyway; should a freak frost come through I could just bring the pots inside. But they look so cute hanging on the fence who would want to take them off??
Anyway, onto the project.
Here’s what you’ll need:
and don’t forget:
I used actual tin coffee cans which I don’t know if you can even get anymore. I’m not a coffee drinker, but I’ve been cruising down the coffee row just to check out the container possibilities and all the big “tins” of coffee are now plastic. Fortunately, when I was telling my mom about this idea and how I needed to find some coffee tins I saw little light bulb appear above her head and she quickly scurried away only to come back 2 minutes later with FOUR PRIMED coffee tins! Craft Queen, I tell ya.
The first step is to punch holes in the bottom for drainage and drill the holes in the back for hanging. Use the hammer for the drain holes and a drill with a metal bit for the rope holes. Make sure you get it just big enough for the rope to go through, not too big.
Give ’em a few good coats of spray paint. However many you need until it looks good. Let them dry.
Put one of the rope through one of your rope holes and knot it. Then decide on your length and cut the other end accordingly. Knot that end through the other hole.
Voila! A hanging pot!
I put cilantro, chocolate mint, and rosemary in mine. What will you put in yours?
Saw you on craftgawker, and oh my word! This is the coolest idea!
Stunningly simple idea that will be a blast to do with my girls…
This looks so awesomely easy — but I would undoubtedly find a way to muck it up, I’m sure!
Thanks for the inspiration, however. I’m willing to give it a go…
go for it! I’m sure you’ll be able to pull it off 🙂
Reblogged this on Butterflies and Bunny Rabbits.
what a cool idea. I’d give this a go but am afraid they would be blown away here in gusty Ireland! I would put in nasturtiums, golden oregano and thyme. Congrats on being freshly pressed. Lovely blog.
thanks! great herb choices, three things I have yet to try to grow! Thanks for stopping by!
I love your ideas about what to plant in those tins. Nasturtiums have always been a favorite of mine, and they would be lovely swaying in the breeze in a tin on a wall.
Thanks! I love nasturtiums after the rain and how the leaves capture the little droplets of rain. The flowers add great splash of colour and a peppery taste in salads too!
maybe put a few stones in the base first to give it a little more weight.
Good idea, thanks for the suggestions!
such a simple but stunning and imaginative idea!
I love this. so nice and creative. I want something like this for my garden as well. 🙂
Great idea! Love the color.
This is so cute and simple. I love the look! Thanks for sharing!
Great idea. Thanks for sharing. Connie
I remember seeing tin can flower pots on houseboats in places like Thailand and always meant to re-create them when I got home. A great reminder, and a beautifully simple post!
What a great idea and so cute!
Basil! I just bought two plants and they’re currently suffering in my kitchen. Sweet basil and cinnamon basil (the cinnamon one smells so good! I can’t wait to cook with it!)
If I manage to pull off something like this, I will have to go get a few more plants from Sprouts – they have all their potted herbs on sale right now. 🙂
ooooh cinnamon basil?! I’ve never heard of it! Sounds wonderful!
Very cool idea but where can one find the cans if they don’t have anyone who has a stash of them 🙂
Thanks! I’ve been wondering that, too. I have some smaller versions I made from bigger cans of tomatoes and fruit. But also I was thinking, is it possible to just buy empty paint cans? I would think a paint store or Lowe’s would have clean paint cans they use to make custom colors. I’ve definitely been noticing canned food more now! haha
I’m really concerned about the safety of growing food stuffs in containers with goodness knows what on the inside surfaces. Ornamentals, sure. But herbs? Makes me nervous. Has anyone got any info on this issue?
I agree you need to be careful what you use to grow food, but these cans had food in them to begin with. I would think reusing food tin cans would be fine to grow more food in?
might beable to ask a local resturant or some where that cooks on a large scale they usualy just throw out the larger cans good luck I hope this helped a little
Great idea and colors!
Love this idea! They look great. I think I’ll try it next summer.
Love this idea and have been wanting some ideas for a blank space of fence and this would be perfect! Thanks for sharing & Congrats on being FP!
These look great! I am so going to try them!! Thanks for sharing : )
What simple, but awesome idea! I love the colors too. I can’t wait to do this at my house!
Way to be on freshly pressed. This idea is adorable! I am pinning this 🙂
Awesome, Thank you!
Reblogged this on Project Self Sustainability and commented:
Found this while browsing and had to repost!!!
Love the idea – I just have to wait until someone finishes off the coffee in the tin at work – I have my name on it already though just in case anyone else has seen your blog!
I love the idea!
Cool….and enviromentally friendly
I love this. Congratulations on freshly pressed.
Reblogged this on The Environmental Rhi-Source and commented:
I adore recycle / reuse / reduce ideas. This one was worthy of sharing. Enjoy!
I’ve been looking for an inexpensive yet cute way to start my herb garden again. Thanks so much for the inspiration. I think this is going to be perfect. 🙂
PS– congrats on being Freshly Pressed!
Reblogged this on Blessing Cafe and commented:
Mothers Day Project made simple:
Love this idea! Thanks for sharing.
I love this idea, thanks for sharing!
Maybe it was more beautiful with edibles for ornament. Imagine hanged tomatoes lush with flowers and fruits. Or, fresh, red hot chili, straight from can! 🙂
thank you for the project
Wow, amazing, great ideas, I a admire your skill so much.
Thanks for sharing.
very genius and creative,you are amazing…..
What a great idea…I’ve been looking for some planting projects!
This is a great idea and looks easy to make. Thanks for sharing and congrats on FP 🙂
I did this same craft several years in a row, and here are a few things I learned:
*I found plenty of these tin coffee cans at our local recycling center (free!)
*I painted each can a different color and hung on my white picket fence.
*I lined the cans with a plastic shopping bag, to help the soil retain moisture, and added some mulch and/or stones to the top to keep the soil from being washed out during rain downpours.
*The most successful planting was with moss roses (portulaca); they tolerate hot, full sun locations and dry soil, and so bright and tropical looking!
It is definitely a fun project – lots of bang for your buck! – and had many compliments from neighbors and passers-by!
Great tips, thanks so much for sharing! What a great idea to go to the recycling center to find more cans!
Also, another way to utilize these planters is to hang them from a shepherd’s hook, or a hook in the ceiling. All you have to do is lengthen the amount of cord you use. I have substituted other materials for the clothesline, using whatever is on hand. I have used wire, raffia, and even fish line!
This is an awesome project to do with my son! Keep ’em coming.
This is great! It could definitely jazz up all the non-flowering plants or herbs.
Reblogged this on LawnGreen Lawn & Landscaping., ltd.
wow i like it very much….
How praytell, do I keep the squirrels, birds and mice from helping themselves to the herbs??
I haven’t had an issue with it, yet. However I did have a can with parsley on the ground and that was eaten up! Not sure if it was a squirrel or maybe even my dog! Keeping them in the middle of the fence seems to be working for fending off the critters for me.
simple and awesome!
exquisite to say the least !! well done.
Love these. Might have a go today as the sun is shining in London!
Great idea. I have grown salad in tin baths and herbs in tin buckets so far this year. I will have to try this one next!
I am absolutely in love with this idea! Thank you so much for sharing. I hapeen to have a few coffee tins laying around…and lots of herbs to plant! Mint…cilantro and maybe my Citronella herbs could go in there..weekend project 🙂
It’s so simple and yet cute. Brilliant idea 🙂
These look so incredibly cute, love your choice of colour too. I agree with one of the commenters that nasturtiums would look gorgeous hanging down from these brightly coloured cans. I don’t have the right kind of fence, but perhaps I can modify this slightly to work for me. I’m going to pin it too.
Or the small decorative pumpkins, you know the ones they put in taverns in the Balkans?
Congrats on Freshly Pressed! Love your craft–simple, sweet and serviceable. That works 🙂
nice idea i like it
Well done. I love the DIY technique, style, and ease. Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed.
Hi!! I really like your idea, and I’m looking forward to have my own garden to do this!! 🙂
Love this! We’re moving to a new flat that has a garden soon and I can’t wait to try this idea!
Beautiful blog….congrats on being Freshly Pressed! From a fellow Ohioan 🙂
Love to see crafts that come around every few years-it means that recycle, re-use is not dead. You put a fresh look on it, very cute! Just an FYI..if you first fill the cans with water and freeze them before punching the holes that will keep the cans from buckling or denting too much.
Thank you! and thanks for the tip!
Seems like a fun project.
[…] https://stuffstephdoes.com/2012/05/08/diy-hanging-flower-tins/ Share this:TwitterFacebookGefällt mir:Gefällt mirSei der Erste, dem diese(r) Artikel gefällt. Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Balkon abgelegt und mit übertopf, balkon, DIY, pflanze, selbstmachen, topf verschlagwortet. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink. ← Es tut sich was im Basilikum-Topf […]
looks really lovely! i put your link in my own balcony-blog: http://meingruenerdaumenmuc.wordpress.com/2012/05/12/hangeblumentopfe-selbst-gemacht/
Nice 🙂 I’m definitely going to try this in my garden. Thanks for the idea!
I can’t wait to try this. It is a great excuse to increase my herb garden! Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed.
thanks for this cute idea, I don’t have a garden but maybe I can put them on my window sills …
Love this. I can’t wait to do this.
This is a super cute idea! Thank you for sharing 🙂
These are sooo cute 🙂
Love the idea, will do something similar.
What a great idea – I’m into boxed gardens for my back-yard. Just getting started and have some great ideas for next year’s beginning of planting.
Oh, very nice idea! Fresh too.. turquoise is trend color just now =). Welcome to visit also my blog, sisustusheinia.wordpress.com
I love these, beautiful idea 🙂
What a great idea and so cute! This idea will look wonderful in my whimsical garden that I’m working on. I’m your newest follower!
Excellent idea and well done! This is a perfect fit for scrounging. Paint stores are supposed to have unused cans for sale, which should work too. Can type items from thrift stores should work too.
Great idea! I spent money on something similar at Target, but they are platic and these look way cooler! If only I would have waited… I will be doing something like this for my back deck, thanks for the post!
Reblogged this on Pbcrules's Blog.
Reblogged this on Daniyal's Thought Radiator.
So very cool. I did that a couple of years ago but used the cloth shoe racks that you can hang on your closet door. Worked great for herbs. For my flowers I used my old croc shoes. Petunia’s did great this way 🙂
Excited to try this! And to tell my followers about this! Such a great idea and so creative!! Cannot wait to check out all of your other posts
Really cute idea, and beautiful photos, too. Do you know if there is a danger of metal cans rusting? and If that would affect the plants? thanks-
Hey this is really awesome idea and it is inspiring me to try this at my home, thanks for sharing…
simple and nice idea
Love this! And choc mint sounds yummo! Just shows that cute stuff doesn’t have to cost a fortune!
Thanks for the great idea. Reblogging at: http://www.skillsservices.co.za
Reblogged this on red rabbit skills services | skills programme development and related services.
lovely colors and idea:)
What a fabulous idea……….THIS is the way to preserve my herbs from the attentions of our dog! Thank you
those are soo super cool, and seem very easy to make!
thanks for sharing <3
Looking great! I want to have a go with that idea.
I am reblogging this very cute idea on JoyReturns today. Now to check out the frost date for Northeastern Ohio. Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed.
Thanks for the reblog!
Reblogged this on JoyReturns and commented:
Today’s post is about an inexpensive way to decorate your fence. I will be doing this providing I can find coffee cans. I knew there was a down side to owning a Keurig 😉
Have a sunny Sunday and HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the Mom’s of human and/or “furry” kids 😀
[…] https://stuffstephdoes.com/2012/05/08/diy-hanging-flower-tins/ […]
great little idea, especially for a poor planty student like me 🙂 thanks for the inspiration 🙂
This is a fantastic idea…I think this could work on my balcony (my only oustide space)…love it!
Great idea! Going to repost this on my site Marti Ink in the weekly “Head-turning Headlines” article (Comes out every sunday). You’ll be able to find it under the “creativity” section. Oh yeah, congrats on being freshly pressed!!!
I did this with Folgers containers (which are plastic) and it’s a great idea, but we should remind people in tornado alley to take them down during storms or the storms might send them through a window, lol. I had to take mine down during IKE, but he still managed to make a mess out of them!
Reblogged this on StiGGy's veggie plot and commented:
Added to the list of great ideas to try out in the garden…and if not, loving this blue colour to add somewhere.
When I pounded the nails through the bottom of the can, it went through and pierced my leg, and I had to go to the hospital and get 4 stitches and a blood transfusion and some tetanus shots. I also have permanent blue paint under my skin like a tattoo because I painted the cans while I was waiting for the ambulance. It tinted my blood blue a bit. But it’s okay, because all the blue blood and nonstop bleeding convinced a passing delegate from Lichtenstein that I was royalty, and now I have a duchy there, where they have an herb garden! So thanks for this awesome project suggestion. It really worked!
I suspect you are joking-no guy could be that unhandy. See my note about filling the can with water, freezing it and then nailing into it. It prevents denting the can as well. Also if you dont have a fence to hang this from you can bolt them together pyramid style and set them on a picnic table.
🙂 thanks for sharing. I’ll try some.
DIY is always great! You can also do wonderful things from used plastic bottles. Design ideas all around us…
These are beautiful! I too try to turn “ordinary” objects into objects of beauty. I once did something kind of similar for my Mom. Spray painted a large spaghetti can and writing “Mom” on it with flowers. Lovely, wonderful post and thank you for the great idea!
What a great idea! I look forward to going through your blog and seeing all the creativity! Happy Mother’s Day!
great idea! my boys like to grow something each year. This way, they could each have their own gardens in their own colors.
Great idea! I’m always looking for ways to recycle things, especially for my garden.
Just wanted to let you know that there are coffee can alternatives that also look nice. We have found various sized tomato sauce cans (Don Pepino) that look nice enough that the painting step can be eliminated- no paper label. And the sauce is okay too- no added sugar.
Thanks for the tip!
Very clever. Your’s are very pretty.
Congrats on getting freshly pressed! This is a great idea, and it’s crazy to find another person who is crafty/gardeny/from central ohio! I got out of there, but it’s nice to know that it could be made tolerable if I were to move back. Great post! (Check out my crafty blogz if you ever make it through the 200 comments left you. 😉 tatianaryckman.wordpress.com)
Reblogged this on Cleaning tips, easy recipes, DIY crafts and commented:
it’s a great upcycling idea
[…] * Do-it-yourself hanging planters (stuffstephdoes.com) […]
They look great 🙂
C’est une très belle idée à retenir!
Bonne soirée.
I am soooo not crafty but this not only looks very pretty, it looks pretty do-able too! Thanks for sharing!
Fantastic idea! Our household is always looking for ways to repurpose items instead of throwing away or even recycling them. My wife has been wanting to find creative spots for flowers in our back yard and I think this one is a winner.
[…] I tell ya – I just absolutely love discovering all the new (and not-so) blogs & websites through WordPress. I had no idea that so many good (and really gifted) blogs there are out there. Just this morning, I discovered another and I want to recommend it to everyone. The link is: https://stuffstephdoes.com/2012/05/08/diy-hanging-flower-tins/ […]
Really like your idea…. 🙂
The nice thing is that this is a great idea that could be expanded with other sizes of tin cans and all types of small plants. I see ivy and geraniums filling mine! Thanks for the brilliant idea…and my mother is going to love this idea, too.
I like the idea, unfortunately I don’t have any fences :-)!
ditto! makes me wish i had one!
I can’t wait to try this! Thanks for the tip!
I will try this myself when I get some spare time
Love your blog, great ideas!
Asia- capecoddreams.wordpress.com/
Those are so adorable. And I love the blue paint color!
Great idea, thanks 🙂
very cute idea!
I am so doing this with herbs or strawberries next summer! We live in a converted barn on my parents wee farmlet and the boring fence outside our front door would look much more cheerful with these hung off the posts – and the best part is for the couple of weeks that the sheep are in that paddock we can move the cans out of their reach! Genius idea – thanks for posting.
I don’t have access to coffee cans (our instant coffee does still come in tin cans in New Zealand, but I don’t drink instant), but we get loose herbal tea in a stainless steel can about that size from the Keri Keri Tea Company (called The Big Tin) which would work excellently 🙂
I am learning from your masterpieces! Love your DIY!
Our blog is for OCR technologies: http://xmscan.wordpress.com/
Thanks for imparting your marvelous idea. I will be very busy this coming weekend. 🙂
colorado springs divorce lawyers
DIY is always a novel life style! I like it! thank you for sharing!
This is beautiful!
Very cute! Love the color!
Love this idea! I would either do herbs as you did, or an assortment of wildflowers! Love the bright color!
Great idea!!!!
just wonderful
This looks like fun! I’m going to try this over the weekend!
I love the idea of these hanging tins! A real shabby chiche feel.
Nice! Thank you for sharing!
What a well laid out blog you have, beautifully photographed and your pots are tyhe best colour ever. Very nice.
Fabulous idea – I think I will put herbs in mine, too. <3
Reblogged this on @Valleyreagent and commented:
Very cute idea!
very cute! I love the tin can ideas I’ve been seeing lately! I love your blog design too! 🙂
This is such a wonderful idea; I can’t wait to try it out myself. Good choice of herbs, too!
What a great idea! I do a DIY blog as well and I love seeing new inspirations. Congrats on being Freshly Pressed.
Courtney @ http://myyearinpins.wordpress.com/
I love your idea! I’m definitely going to have a go at these!
Those are cute! Just need to find a place to hang them…
These are really adorable and your pictures are very informative! I’m going to try to pin it on pinterest.
Nice idea!
What a great idea! I have a couple of tins with plants in them, but painting & hanging them like this is a much better idea! I’ll be eating soup for the rest of the week 😉
Congrats on making freshly pressed!
What a really cute idea. I like how you laid it all out step by step too. Congrats on being freshly pressed!!
This is a very cute idea! My fence is totally obscured by enormous blooming bushes right now (which I can’t be too sad about because they smell heavenly) otherwise I would make these asap. The turquoise color is great and really comes to life with the lush green plants. Lovely idea and I’m glad your mom could help you out!
such a clever idea! thanks for sharing this! 😉
Really cute idea. A light bulb went off in my head. These would look cool on my patio hanging on the wall. Cheers and congrats on Frshly Pressed.
I like nice post, cool
Great idea ! I think I will try it myself I would think that empty paint cans would work too RECYCLE. great job
[…] start my summer off right I`ve found a garden project, diy: hanging flower tins on a great blog Stuff Steph Does. This way my herbs won`t be eaten by animals and they`re going […]
Reblogged this on till it grows and commented:
this is a great idea! i have a few coffee cans hiding in my cupboard!
Wow this great! I was definitely thinking of doing something similar to this, except old vintage tins. I definitely gotta try this. :]
Always wanted to do this! Thanks for sharing! …and the scribblings in the pics is very cute idea 🙂
Reblogged this on Thisbeautifullife and commented:
So adorable.
Reblogged this on Thisbeautifullife.
[…] Click here to read about an idea for making old tins into attractive hanging plant pots – they would make a nice project to do with children, or by yourself if you want something creative to do in your ‘me time’. Rate this: Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. […]
I love this idea. I am accumulating inspriation for a portable self contained house and I think a similar version of this would look and function really well.
um, steph. how did your blog become so popular in the month or two that i haven’t blogged?
haha, this post was on freshly pressed, so it got a lot of attention. I’m glad you’re back to blogging!
Reblogged this on MDPIE Motivation.Dedication.Perspiration.Imagination.Education. and commented:
I just HAD to reblog this! This is the cutest DIY I’ve seen in a long time!
Thank you, Dawn! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Love this project. I’m going to bookmark it and show it to my hubby. If he makes it for me, I’m going to put herbs in mine. Perfect thing for herbs!
No need for hubby to make it! If I can do it you can too! I substituted the clothesline for basic twine I found at Walmart and had no need for a drill. Just a hammer, 1 nail, spray paint, the cans, dirt, and flowers! Check out how mine turned out: http://myhonestself.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/project-planters/
Good luck!
Looks great!! Thanks for sharing!!
Simple, elegant and best of all, made from recycled materials. I love it!
[…] As I mentioned previously, I’ve begun Operation Urban Garden. After much Pinterest-ing & blog reading I’ve stumbled upon something simplistically beautiful. Check out Stuff Steph Does and her post and step by stpe instructions to make your own DIY Hanging Flower Tins! […]
Love it, DID it, and now love it even more! It was simple enough that my young kids could help yet beautiful enough to spruce up our dingy city yard! I linked your blog in my post so others can check it out – thanks for sharing your fantastic ideas! Check out my results: http://myhonestself.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/project-planters/
[…] colored spray painted pots–a day after making this stacked planter and a week after making my hanging garden tins–I thought there’s no denying that I come by all this honestly. Even my 85-year-old Gram […]
I lovw this idea! So much cuter and cheaper than a classic herb planter! I will start my collection of tins now! 🙂
Beautiful idea! I also love you color pick! Thank you for sharing,
Artphalt (http://artphalt.wordpress.com)
[…] exciting blog news: my hanging garden tins were featured in an article on My Apricot Hill, a new “practically inspired” lifestyle […]
Hi Steph, I love the “stuff” you do, and so I am nominating you for the One Lovely Blog Award! I realize that with as many followers as you have, you have probably been nominated dozens of times, however I would not feel right about leaving you off the list of my nominations. Keep up the amazing posts! To see the others on the nomination list go to: http://btweenblinks.wordpress.com/2012/06/19/one-lovely-blog-award-really/
[…] seeing the idea on this blog, I decided to use some food cans for flower pots. I did not paint mine…I rather like the […]
Reblogged this on Potted Plant Society.
Hi steph, congratulations for your ideas… you’ve done very cool things. I’m from Brazil, and with your permission, I would like to translate your tutorial in one of my blog posts about gardening decoration.
Hi! I would be honored for you to do that. Just make sure to link to my original post. Thanks so much!
Hi Steph, I would like to use this a idea for the Dutch gardening website http://tuinieren.nl. I will mention your name and link back to your blog, if that’s ok with you?
Take care,
Hi Marike, yes that would be great! Thanks for sharing it!
[…] Blogueira americana Steph fez um tutorial super fofo para você fazer o seu próprio jardim vertical de latinhas, e se […]
[…] te verven en in te deuken en ook een hek kun je mooi versieren met planten in blik. Op de weblog Stuff Steph Does vonden we echter nog iets dat we graag delen: planten in gekleurde blikken […]
[…] diy < DIY < caseyhinton Get flash to fully experience Pearltrees diy: hanging flower tins I started this project nearly a month ago back when I was working on the anthro-inspired flower […]
[…] stuffstephdoes.com via Arcadia on […]
I am not sure if Aldi (grocery store) is all over the country but they still carry coffee in cans. Very cool idea.
Thanks for the tip, Stacy! Good to know!
[…] Tutorial […]
Nice project! I did similar but cans hangs on the chain 🙂 –> linka
how is it that the cans do not rust inside and rust particles do not contaminate the soil? I must be missing something?
The cans held up pretty well for one season. But that is a valid concern, so it might be best to just stick with flowers and non-edibles.
[…] diy: hanging flower tins These cork planters are super sweet. They are easy to make and make awesome fridge magnets. We also think they’d make for great upcycled gifts. Cork Planters Le printemps arrive, les envies de vert aussi ! Plantes aromatiques | Made in Marie [+] vaiaravawb home • iPhone & iPad app • android app • contact • blog • facebook • twitter to experience pearltrees activate javascript. […]
walmart carries Masterchef brand coffee and it is still tin (full size). also tomato juice cans are big too. If you live in a windy area, loop the rope around the bottom to keep it from blowing around.try different ways.
zip ties are awesome to attach things to posts also. love this idea. thank you.
Great Idea! Thanks!
Could you not just use the big plastic tubs that coffee, yogurt, etc. comes in instead of the tin cans?
I think you definitely could! Or milk cartons…or any sort of container really
[…] 45. DIY hanging garden tins […]
[…] – DIY Hanging Flower Tins from Stuff Steph […]
[…] 4. Tin Can Garden from Stuff Steph Does […]
[…] Collect small pots to hang from the pallet. I’m inspired by this photo from Stuff Steph Does. […]
[…] quelques DIYs: Jardin de palette / planter en cannes / jardin […]
[…] via theidearoom.net via weheartthis.com via goodshomedesign.com via stuffstephdoes.com via lovethispic.com via greengardenblog.com via chigiy.com via […]
Hello Steph,
Great article! Is it alright if i use it for our website http://www.onlinetuinhulp.nl? Ofcourse i will pinback to your article.
Kind regards,
[…] Hanging Flower Tins […]